May 8, 2024: Huh, didn't realize my php and css had been completely broken on this site. Ffff... I fixed the php issue, but not sure why it's not reading the css properly, or the valign in my header. Looks like lightbox is broken too. Smh, I'll come back to it later. Sorry there's no real update yet.
Jul. 6, 2020: Just a quick update to say I'm going to try to work on episode summaries for Zoids Fuzors as part of a personal project. These aren't serious summaries, I'm just doing them for fun, and I will be pointing out inconsistencies and other bits of confusing plot despite how much I truly enjoy the series and its characters. If you are interested in checking them out, the summaries will be listed on this page as I get through them.
Hop is definitely one of my faves!
Jun. 8, 2020: Sorry for not updating in a long time. Things have been crazy to say the least. Since last update, I've added a few more Zoids to my collection. An HMM Godos, the old promo Protozoid, and a Kill Scythe! Would like to update my collection page with more info, but currently I just don't have time.
I did, however, add a link for the Zoids Battle Colosseum Translation. It's in progress, and again I just haven't had time recently to work on it, but I wanted to at least share the first part.
Hopefully I can do some proper updates soon. Thank you for visiting!
Nov. 24, 2019: Haven't had time to finish up some things I want to add here yet, but I DID find more of my Zoids Legacy Transcript files recently, so I added the transcript for "The North Ruins" and did a new illustration. I never added these parts back in 2006, so it's kind of fun to revisit. Anyway, I'll try to add some more here soon.
Oct. 19, 2019: I actually added them a couple days ago, but there's two new drawings of O'Connell in the Gift Fanart section! Thank you to Aimee and JuniRave for the wonderful artwork!! They're amazing!
In other news, I got my first Zoids Wild zoid this past week! A Hunter Wolf! I really like that one. I'm hoping I can actually find time to add more entries to my Zoids Collection page. Unfortunately the majority of my collection is in another state. Someday we'll be reunited...
Took "Extras" down for now because I just... really need to rework that stuff.
Oct. 1, 2019: I went ahead and got up the rest of the screenshots!! So that section is complete (unless I decide to get better quality ones later, these DVDs are terrible.)
Aside from that, I'm hoping to add some new fanart soon! Just gotta draw more...
For 10.01 - Glasses Day/メガネの日!
Sept. 28, 2019: Screenshots for Episodes 50, 54, and 60 are UP! That's all I have time for today.
Sept. 27, 2019: Screenshots for Episode 18 are up, and screenshots for Episodes 29 and 34 have been replaced! I just have the Guardian Force episodes to go through, but there are a good few more of those...
I've also been reworking some other sections. I split up the O'Connell fanart page so that the gift art I've received is separate from my own art. This is mostly just because I'm hoping to fill out my own O'Connell fanworks a little more.
I also added a section for my General Fanwork, meaning ones that aren't focused on O'Connell specifically. Currently I only have a couple extras up. Still have a fair amount to add here once I get everything sorted, but I need a break...
Edit: Screenshots for Episodes 37 and 38 replaced. Screenshots for Episode 45 are UP!
Sept. 25, 2019: Smol update. Episodes screenshots for Episode 07 have been replaced and screenshots for Episode 17 are UP! I will be out of town for the next couple days, so it'll be a bit before I get up the images for Episode 18, but they will be coming soon~!
Sept. 24, 2019: Okay!! I'm more-or-less officially opening this site! I've got most of it cleaned up. I'll still add more content as I can, like I'm going to retake the screenshots for better quality, etc (did episode 06 so far) and maybe add more fanwork or something, but I think this is presentable enough for now lol
So... Welcome to my little O'Connell shrine! I love this character. He's a good man, and I'm happy to bring this back to give him the love he deserves!
Sept. 15th, 2019: After an 11 year absence, I am finally reposting this website on the internet. I've been feeling rather nostalgic for the Zoids franchise, and O'Connell is still just my top favorite.
My goal is to bring this back to being a functioning character shrine, as well as a personal website for my Zoids collection and Zoids fanworks. I'm not sure when exactly I'll get about to fixing everything, as certain PHP coding I had used previously is now obsolete, but I'll do my best to fix it up as I can. Thank you for stopping by!
So much to do...