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[Zell's on his way to the next town, but stops the Gustav when he sees something.]

Zell: Oh? Somebody's on the ground.
[He gets out of the Gustav to check on the the the man with glasses.]
Zell: Hey! Are you OK?
Mystery Man: Aaa... this is...
Zell: Hi, Mr. What happened to you?
Mystery Man: I think something odd happened at the lab...
Zell: You still can't remember well.
Zell: I am Zell. I'm taking you to town because it's not safe here.
Mystery Man: I'm Dr. T...
Zell: Dr. T? Strange name... Anyways, let's go into town... Better have you medically examined.
Dr. T: I'm sorry.

[They go to the clinic in Mount Town. It seems as though the Dr. will be fine.]

Dr. T: Thank you for the help.
Zell: If anybody's found unconcious in a place like that, I'd help. But why were you there?
Dr. T: Maybe... I was blown away from where I was.
Zell: Dr... then you're a scientist. You mentioned an experiment.
Dr. T: Yes, that experiment caused something... It must've.
Zell: Experiment... What was it on?
Dr. T: Err... It was on the relationship between Zoids and organoids...
Zell: Hey Mr... No, Dr. T's a Zoids scientist.
Dr. T: ...Huh!? Oh, that's right. You're a Zoids pilot?
Zell: Yes, I'm a Zoids warrior now...
Dr. T: Warrior... for Zoids battles. I've heard of them, but you're the first one I met.
Dr. T: I see, and how do you fight? Which Zoids are used?
Zell: Oh, yes, err...
Dr. T: You must be particular about your Zoids. Which ones do you like?
[A choice comes up to choose either Liger Type or Zabre Fang Type. Since I prefer Republican Zoids, I went with the Liger.]
Zell: Let's see... I like the Liger type.
Dr. T: Yes, Liger... I love Shield Liger. Its speed & powerful E shield. I can't believe it's from the old war.
Dr. T: Huh, Shield Liger?
Dr. T: ...Liger? Where's my Liger?
Zell: What do you mean? I found you alone there.
Dr. T: Oh, no! My Shield Liger!
Zell: What! You have a Shield Liger?
Dr. T: I must find it... I'll go back to the place.
[He starts to leave the clinic, but stops and turns back to Zell.]
Dr. T: Sorry, but can you come with me?
Zell: OK! I'll gladly do Shield Liger search for you!

[They head back to the place where Zell found him.]

Zell: Dr., I can't find anything.
Dr. T: That's odd. How something that big could've seprated from me?
[Suddenly four bandits show up and surround them.]
Bandit: Hey! I'm lucky today to have run into you. Give me your Zoids, and your life will be spared.
Zell: You're... the bandits that take away other's Zoids! Are you the ones who took Juno!?
Bandits: Juno? What're those? New Zoids? That'd be great!
Zell: Tsk, wrong bandits...
Zell: Get back, Dr. I'll take care of them.
Bandits: Oops, you can't go in the Zoids.
Bandit: Those jerks!
Bandits: Yo!!
[Yes, these bandits make no sense. However, they manage to fully surround Zell and Dr. T.]
Zell: Ugh! Can't escape!
Bandit: Humph! Give up!
[The ground begins to shake and a Shield Liger pokes out from under the ground.]
Bandit: B..Boss! Behind you!
Bandit: Tsk! Run! Run!
[The bandits run off.]
Dr. T: Oh, it was hiding underground!
Zell: Wow, this is the Shield Liger! Never seen it this close.
Dr. T: I see. Zell, do you like Ligers?
[I believe we already went over this question.]
Zell: Of course! They're great Zoids.
Dr. T: ...Zell, I have a favor to ask you. OK?
Zell: What is it, Dr?
Dr. T: ...Maybe I'm not from this world. I must've been sent from a world different that yours...
Dr. T: Hard to believe though.
Zell: Another world... Right! Different geography and Zoids battles I never heard of before. They all make sense now!
Dr. T: !? You, too...
Dr. T: I'm sure the accident in my lab caused something to happen.
Dr. T: I must find out...
Dr. T: And I must find a way to go back to the world I came from. But I'm a researcher and not a warrior.
Dr. T: So, I want you to be my bodyguard.
Zell: What! Me??
Dr. T: Of course, I'll pay. With the Zoids.
Dr. T: And... Hey! Pulse!
[A small, cat-like Zoid comes out from the Shield Liger.]
Pulse: Vohn!
Dr. T: This organoid Pulse is yours now.
Zell: Wow! Seriously??
Dr. T: Y...Yes, I'm serious.
Zell: Dr.?? Really? Liger and organoid?
Zell: Organoid is... an organism that can make Zoids stronger... Didn't know it really existed!
Zell: I did it! I'm a Liger pilot starting today!!
Zell: Yes... Nice to meet you, Pulse!
Pulse: Vohhhn!!!
Dr. T: Pulse seems to like you, too...
Dr. T: Pulse's growth is prompted by his master's feelings and mind. When your feelings change, you need to be careful.
Dr. T: Anyhow let's go back to town.
Zell: Liger! I am Zell. Nice to meet you.

[Pulse joins Zell's party and they all go back to Mount Town.]

Dr. T: Yes! This is a great chance to take up Zoids battles in this town.
Dr. T: And I wanna see the battles!
Zell: Fine... but that's if they have 1-on-1 battles here...

[Time to get to battling.]

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